moving on...
The time has come again for that inevitable return of the need to know my own shape amongst the world at large. Perhaps it's with the passing of several family members and a friend that I had begun to feel the loss of my own mass this previous year... or at least a shift into a more ephemeral form, incapable of being shaped or shaping. Perhaps it's just an awareness of being another year older, and so moving all the more towards a greater sense of my own mortality. For this, I need a new change on the exterior and a new means for reflection to compensate. For this, I'm making my way back to that little island of Tortola, facing the potential of at least a yearlong stay, and working as a gallery/studio manager in Nanny Cay. Here and in addition to the purpose mentioned above, I'm curious to discover how my experiences will be informed by my previous visit to the island (especially now as this travel will be made alone), and what differences will unfold between living there vs. vacationing. I will do my best to post these observations here throughout the months to come, as well as include a few photos of any new artistic endeavors on my other blog.
As I mentioned, what drove me most to this point of international migration was an extended period marked by a lack of such outward transition, but still moving on internally nonetheless. The words that follow are intended to provide a brief glimpse into this time of trial:
Nearly a year has passed of what would best be described as some form stationary change; accounting for the births, deaths, and marriages that have occurred within the lives of both family and friends, all while I forego further travels and maintain residence in Florida. In this place, sitting and watching the events that occur around me and occasionally through me, I've also taken to a new commitment towards survival via commissioned paintings. With this venture comes the need to contort myself to those various genres in demand in this area... portraits, reproductions of the old masters, and classical figures mixed with modern elements to suit the needs for several galleries. Initially, I enjoyed this selfless application of skill and quiet monotony. To be sure, it in someways kept to the concept behind much of my personal work, where I also sought to allow myself to only function as a human printing press, or rather seeking to pay an unobstructed homage to my influences (and thereby debating the presence of an original concept). Also and on that same unassuming level, I couldn't complain about the liberties that came from spending an 8 hour work day simply painting from my studio apartment... With an environment just outside my doorstep to equal the quiet that I hoped to achieve within, I took to the gentle teeming of deer, owls, rabbits, racoons, hawks, and armadillos that would occasionally cross by my window, breaking from the surrounding trails and small creek beds of the Black Hammock Wilderness Area. Here are a few of the paintings made for a hand full of cliental, all while living in this place. Unless noted otherwise, each was completed in oil on canvas:

24" x 36"
Needless to say, I'm looking forward to a change of aesthetic, as determined by this new environment. With all art supplies having to be imported to the island, some innovation towards whatever materials are available will undoubtedly be a factor. On that note and while I'll continue to add any updates on living in Tortola here; the paintings, prints, or drawings to follow will still be posted to
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